The Columbia Afternoon Music Club was established in 1905 by seven women who began meeting together to sing and play instruments to “keep up with their music.” By 1920 membership was increasing. This group joined the SCFMC which had become associated with the NFMC, established in 1898.
Initially the local club presented programs and public recitals which included Sunday afternoon concerts at the Columbia Museum of Art. They continued to add to artistic life in Columbia by helping found the SC Opera Workshop. Members were involved in all aspects of opera production, including costumes, sets, fundraising and ticket sales.
The CAMC meets six times each year. Programs are provided by a variety of musicians from the community, established and upcoming. Recently the club has had one program a year provided by club members, which is a favorite.
Over the years local members have been involved at the state and national levels. The CAMC has had eight state presidents, two national members of the board of directors, a national recording secretary, and a national vice-president for the SE region.
The CAMC has joined with the Eau Claire Music Club for over 27 years forming a Joint Council which provides an annual competition for student musicians. Scholarships are awarded, and recipients have the opportunity to perform at a recital that is open to the public. In 2023 a total of $7000.00 was awarded from the two clubs and an additional $600 from Rice Music House. In addition, the two clubs host a luncheon and fashion show which is the annual fundraiser. One scholarship winner is selected to provide the program for this event. It is well attended, allows the club to showcase young talent, and promotes the value of music in all of our lives.
Members today include present and former music teachers, college faculty, performers, contributors, hostesses and music lovers. The club continues its cooperation with overall artistic life in Columbia and has done so for over 116 years.
Ina Gottlieb
August 2023
Deborah Freeman, President of the National Federation of Music Clubs, inducts the officers for 2023-2024. Pictured from left to right is Ina Gottlieb, President; Ann Steed, Vice President; Beth Donelan, Recording Secretary; Deborah Freeman, Mary Kay Nolan, Treasurer; and Linda Murphy, Corresponding Secretary.